Monday, June 20, 2005

'bout freaking time

I'm finally animating! After spending way too much time modelling, rigging, and weighting my character, i finally started animating today. And it feels good. Sure, it's fun to be able to create my own characters and make them work - for the first few days. But then it takes way longer than i expect it to, and i just want to move on... and now i can. I may be a few days behind schedule, but i'm happy to now be doing what i got into this field to do - actually bring that character to life and tell a story. Stay tuned, maybe i'll post some screenshots so you can see a bit of the work in progress.
So till my next post (which will probably read something like "aaarggh! i hate animating! why does it have to be so hard!"), this has been Ryan D reporting for pull my moustache!.

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